Monday, May 4, 2009

Should one recieve a check from the Poloneto Sweepstakes and deposit, what is the recourse to my account?

Poloneto Sweepstakes winner with letter.

Deposited Check

Check bounced causing many over draft fees and service charges. Should I close the account? Put a hold on the account? Move to a different country? If so which country?

Can I sue somebody?

Is it fraud?

What is their motivation for doing this?

Other than the fees the bank has placed on my account, can it now be accessed from some remote source somewhere, anywhere for whoever to yank more funds out of my account?

Should one recieve a check from the Poloneto Sweepstakes and deposit, what is the recourse to my account?
It's a scam. Close your account immediately or they will drain it dry. Report it to the police and to There isn't much that can be done because it is probably another Nigerian scam.

You can't win a lottery you didn't enter. If it looks too good to be true, it's a scam. You were taken.
Reply:they warn people all the time about these type of scams,yet a lot of dummies keep falling for it . Why??? STUPID!!!

permanent teeth eruption

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